Retention rules in Uruguay

Common Specifications for CCA-C Preserved Wood in Uruguay

General guidelines

  1. This document aims at making explicit the agreement among wood preserving companies on the basic impregnation specifications for wood pressure and vacuum impregnation in Uruguay. This document is intended for impregnators, middlemen and specifically for end users.
  2. Previous international specifications on the matter are considered for implementation, adapted to each species and to our reality.
  3. Minimum clear and specific retentions for each product are determined herein.
  4. Moisture content of wood must be less than 30% so that timber is fit for treatment while the ideal moisture content is below 25%.
  5. The “CCA C-type oxides” preservative is that described under standard P5 / 98, paragraph 6, of the American Wood-Preservers’ Association, all specifications considered. Only this type of preservative is mentioned as all guidelines herein were established according to CCA.
  6. A separate treatment per species is proposed as follows:
    a) Pine
    b) Eucalyptus

a) Pine:

We will consider the national pine and in particular the pinus elliottii and pinus taeda species; this selection shall be made based on the large offer of these varieties found in our territory.

We will apply the A.W.P.A. (American Wood-Preservers’ Association) standards corresponding to these species defined therein as SOUTHERN PINE (C1-98 – All timber Products – 7 . Species and species groupings referenced in AWPA Standards).

We will use minimum retentions established by the Standards according to the products and the requirements corresponding to each specific use (indoor/outdoor/in contact with fresh or sea water).

Uses Minimum retention Product example Standard ref. AWPA
Above ground 4.0 kg./m³ Decks/floors C 15-98
Non-structural ground contact
Exposed to fresh water (1)
6.4 kg./m³ Decks/floors/fences C 15-98/
Exposed to water, structura 9.6 kg./m³ Poles C 16-97
Exposed to water, foundations 12.8 kg./m³ Piles C 3
Fresh water constructions 12.8 kg./m³ Piers/Piles C 3
Sea water marine constructions 40.0 kg./m³ Piers/Piles C 18-95

(1) Not in permanent contact
Note: It should be noted that the small pine heartwood portion is not impregnable.

b) Eucalyptus:

Define usage categories, taking as a reference Argentine (IRAM), Australian and South African (SABS) standards pursuant to:


Nomenclature for risk type

· R 1 – Indoor Use
· R 2 – Outdoor Use, NO ground contact
· R 3 – Outdoor Use, ground contact (superficial or built-in), NON structural
· R 4 – Outdoor Use, ground contact (superficial or built-in), structural
· R 5 – Outdoor Use in permanent contact with FRESH WATER
· R 6 – Outdoor Use in permanent contact with SEA WATER

Here follows a brief description of the meaning of each use by way of example and for easier interpretation.

We will assign each of the products its corresponding group (according to their ordinary uses) with accurate minimum retentions.
No differentiation per species shall be made.

Type or nature of risk Usage situation Minimum retention in sapwood (Kg./m³) Penetration Typical Products
R1 Indoors 5.0 100% Floors, frames, etc. Completely protected from the weather and aired
R2 Outdoors, NO ground contact 7.0 100% Floors, frames, pergolas, etc. Exposed to the weather
R3 Outdoors, non-structural ground contact 8.0 100% Wirings, fences, pergolas, vine poles, etc. Exposed to severe weather conditions
R4 Outdoors, structural ground contact 11.0 100% Power and telephone columns/posts; greenhouses, etc. Exposed to severe weather conditions and use of high level of protection.
R5 Outdoors, permanent contact with fresh water 15.0 100% Fresh water piles, cooling towers, retaining walls, etc.
R6 Outdoors, permanent contact with sea water 40.0 100% Sea water piles, etc.

In accordance with the above specifications, depending on the product’s end use, wood has a life expectancy of over 25 years.

Note: Impregnators and distributors must inform clients that, for eucalyptus, the only possible impregnation zone is the sapwood, the heartwood being non-penetrable during impregnation..